First Aid Training


The first aid training delivered by Scouts – also known as First Response course – is required to most volunteers holding a leader, manager or supporter role, being part of the requirements for the Wood Badge.

It should be completed in within the first three years of volunteering, and renewed every three years.

Current rules require that; all activities, must have access to someone holding a current, relevant first aid qualification and access to suitable first aid materials.

For most situations, the minimum requirement is First Response or an equivalent syllabus of at least 6 hours duration. This can be covered in three ways, see below. The exception is where the activity is an “adventurous activity” and the circumstances are set out in POR Rule See this for full details but basically, any activity where participants are three hours or more from physical contact. In these circumstances, first aid materials must be immediately accessible and there should be someone with a minimum 16 hour current first aid qualification.


Within Somerset, there are currently three ways in which you can complete your required First Aid training, these are:

  • Face to Face Course
  • Blended Learning
  • External Courses

Details of each are set out below and a summary can be downloaded by clicking HERE

Completion of First Aid training on Compass is split between theory and practice:

Module 10a – This covers all the theory training provided by the current on-line options.

Module 10b – This covers the practical assessment that must be undertaken as soon as possible. On the member’s record on Compass, the expiry date will be three years from completion of module 10B.


Somerset County Training Team are facilitating a number of face-to-face training courses at various locations around the County.

Place numbers are limited to 12 per course.

Details of current courses will appear in the Training Calendar available HERE


What is “Blended Learning”?

Quite simply, a combination of e-learning, trainer led learning and practical assessment. The first two elements must be completed to fulfil the requirements for Module 10a and the third completes Module 10b.

First, you need to complete an e-learning course which lasts about two hours. This is being hosted and provided by Hampshire Scouts. To access this learning, please click on the following link

At the end you will be prompted to complete your personal information. It is important that you select SOMERSET so that the completion details are captured and recorded on the following screen. This is a requirement before you can progress with the next element.

Next comes a two and a half to three hour online facilitated session led by a first aid trainer. Currently, these are being provided by Hampshire Scouts. You can select a date and time that suits you best.

PLEASE NOTE – You must have completed the e-learning element BEFORE the on-line course.

HAMPSHIRE SCOUTS – CURRENT DATES ARE   14/05/2024, 12/06/2024, 11/07/2024, 16/08/2024, 25/09/2024, 15/10/2024, 07/11/2024, 10/12/2024 –  all from 19:15 to 21:30.

To book the Zoom Trainer led session, you should again access via the Hampshire Scouts webpage at

IMPORTANT Once the course is completed, a certificate is produced, a copy of which you need to send to advise the County Training Team at  so that a record may be kept and entered on Compass. Completion of both of the above two elements will satisfy the requirements for Module 10A and be sufficient to qualify for your Wood Badge.

Finally, the practical element.

The e mail advice of completing Module 10A (above), will also add you to the pool of learners who can be advised of the dates and location of the practical assessment – Module 10B. This is a 25 / 30-minute assessment in a small group to complete the learning.

Somerset Scouts are providing opportunities to complete the practical element (Module 10b) at locations around the County. Details will be sent to all those who have completed Module 10a and submitted their certificate (see above) as and when dates / locations are arranged.

Those eligible will receive an e-mail advice and invitation to book a space on the next date.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the County Training Team at


If, through your work or other voluntary position such as Girl Guiding, you undertake a first aid training course of at least 6 hours, this may be suitable to meet the needs of Scouts. All the topics required by the Scout Association syllabus would need to be covered but even if yours did not address everything (for example many Emergency First Aid at Work / First Aid at Work, do not cover all aspects relating to young people) please email a copy of the certificate to your Local Training Manager or  We will assess the course and if required, ask you to do some top-up elements via an online course. This may just be the scouting procedures we need to follow or might cover additional knowledge such as asthma, anaphylaxis, sepsis and meningitis, depending on the course content you did.

We appreciate that all is not simple and straightforward however, the above options are set out and in place to ensure that there are ways to allow all to complete their first aid training. 


Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls