Somerset’s Training Team

In Somerset we have 1500 adult volunteers who are as much a part of Scouting’s Adventure as the Young People.

These adults receive support in many ways, one of them is by the Training Scheme whose focus is on developing them to be active and effective as leaders, managers and supporters.

On taking up your appointment, we will aim to allocate you a Training Adviser (TA). They are part of the County Training Team and will be someone with experience of scouting or someone who’s just finished their training. Locally, people are matched up, usually by the Local Training Manager. Currently, Training Advisers are in short supply in some locations, this is not just here in Somerset but a picture that is common across the Country. In such cases, we will supply you with links to the required information which includes our On Line Validation tool.

Across Somerset we have a number of Local Training Managers (LTM). They support the local TA’s and keep the managers in the district informed and work with any issues they raise. They liaise with the appointments committee and with the wider training team. 

Another key group of people you’ll meet is the Trainers. They deliver the courses across the county, offer guidance and inspiration, and share their knowledge with you.

With the planned changes to Training as part of the Transformation Programme, we have decided to incorporate responsibility for the management of training in Somerset to the County Transformation Lead (Alan Henderson). Training is a key and integral part of Transformation and therefore, sensible to align both elements as we work through the changes over the next couple of years. 

Contact Details

Transformation & Learning Lead – Alan Henderson-

Local Training Manager – Area Green – Fiona Bayles –

Local Training Manager – Area Orange – Alan Henderson –

Local Training Manager – Area Blue –  VACANT refer to Alan Henderson

Local Training Manager – Area Purple – Pam Gaines –

If you do not know who is your LTM, click on the “colour” to access the list of appropriate Groups etc.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls