County Provision of OSM
To support efficient management of sections and to improve the support for high quality programme, all groups and units in Somerset are eligible for Online Scout Manager Gold+ subscription.
Online Scout Manager (OSM) has been developed to take care of all of your section-based administration so you can concentrate on active Scouting.
What’s Included?
- Challenge Badges, Activity Badges, Staged Badges, Core Badges, Due Badges, Badge Stock, Custom Badges, Badge Eligibility
- Programme Planner, Events, Activity Database, Campsite Directory, Quartermaster’s Database, Risk Assessments, Parent Rota
Group Management
- Contact Details, SMS Text Messaging (from 5.5p/msg), Multi-Leader Access, Section Size Planner, 5MB File Storage Quota, Push Notifications, Send Emails, Attendance Register, In Touch Exporter, Export Email Addresses, Flexi-Records, OSM Anywhere, 25MB File Storage Quota, Downloads, Census Aggregator, Expense Tracking + Receipt Uploads, Gift Aid, Dropbox Integration, 50MB File Storage Quota, Advanced Email System, 1GB Total File Storage Quota
Parent Portal
- Noticeboard, Payments, Events, Programme, Badges, Personal Details, Email Viewer, Gift Aid
To Apply for the Discount Code
All groups in Somerset are eligible for the OSM Gold + subscription.
To take advantage of the County offer to provide OSM Gold+, sections need to enter a discount code within the account/payment section.
Those who have already added the discount code with receive the additional items from their next annual renewal (after 13/9/2020), so some sections will already have it.
To apply for the discount code, please complete the form below.