Manager & Supporter Validation LMS (Safety)

LMS Safety

  • Some of the questions can easily be covered by short answers, a sentence or two. If appropriate, use bullet points (you can create bullet points by pressing keys “Alt and 7” on your keyboard).
  • Others may require a bit more depth to adequately cover the response. Either use the text box or consider a separate document which can be uploaded. A blank template is available from the Manager & Supporter Validation Page
  • MANAGERS will need to answer all twelve Questions.
  • SUPPORTERS will need to answer Questions 1-5 and then any, 6-12, that apply to their role
  • Please respect confidentiality in your answers or documents.
  • If there are any notes, pictures or maybe comments from another adult you worked with that are relevant to any of your answers, these can be uploaded in the box below Question 12.
  • There is a box at the end of the form for you to add any comments to support this validation.





LMS Safety

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls